Slipsik 8

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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by lejonklou »

Thank you for sharing that, Florian!

Just a word of caution: Make sure the turntable arm ground is connected to the ground screw of Slipsik. Some Step-Up Transformers have a ground screw to their metal case, but it's not enough connecting the arm ground only to that point, even if there is zero hum in the speakers.

The reason is that if an electric discharge from your body hits one of the cartridge tags, it can be amplified by the SUT and knock out the input circuit of Slipsik. Happened twice to a customer until he figured out that the arm ground wasn't going to Slipsik, but only to his SUT, which wasn't grounded anywhere else. So the arm was in fact not grounded and couldn't pick up the discharge.
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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by woodchamber »

Thanks Fredrik for the tip.

I use two ground wires. The one that is integrated on the phono cable, from the turntable to the SUT. And the second from the SUT to the Slipsik 8. I hope that everything should be grounded in the correct way.

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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by lejonklou »

Excellent Florian!

That’s the correct way to connect it.
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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by jpneat »

I just purchased a Linn LP-12, pretty basic specs (still tons of money for me!)- Krane tone arm, Adikt, did add a Lingo and a trampolin though. My original idea was to play it with my Naim Nait 50 as I thought it would be a great match, and it definitely is now that i've tried it. However, I decided it looked so nice next to my main system- a Sugden A21 SE Signature into Neat Motive SX2. I usually have a Rega P6 with a DV 20X2 LOMC into a DV P75 mk IV running into that amp. Anyways, I think I'll put the Rega with the Naim and the Linn to the Sugden, but then need a good MM phono pre, which led me to the Slipsik. I may even switch to MM on the Rega to use the Naims pre- thinking maybe the WTL TLC. That way anytime I feel the need to switch the Linn with the Rega they both can run into either system without moving around another pre.

Anyways, reading about the Slipsik it seems to be just what I need and I'd honestly love to just stick to the Adikt for a while. Anyone have any thoughts on switching my Linn into the Sugden system with the Slipsik? The only other thought I had was to put the LOMC on the Linn, but I'm really liking this adikt and just not having to fuss with MC, having replacement styluses etc.

Thanks for making cool and exciting products like this!
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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by jpneat »

I went ahead and ordered my Slipsik, very much looking forward to it!
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Re: Slipsik 8

Post by Tendaberry »

Great choice! Enjoy!
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