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My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-05-29 21:23
by lupus
I just came home and my new KDS/2 waited for me when i found out that one of my keltik klimax crossovers was dead. First i thought that it would be the PSU but now found out that the blue sign at the front still works and it still plays but quite. The green diod at back (indicates if it is driven by balansed cables or not) still lights.

Please help me anyone, i would really like to try my new DS/2

Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-05-29 22:13
So how do you know it's the KXO that is not working?

Have you checked the balance control hasn't been moved?

Have you tried swapping the line in leads on the KXOs to see if the problem moves to the other crossover?

I hope it's something simple....

Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-05-30 09:17
by lupus
Thank you very much for your help, but I am afraid that it isn't that simple.

The diod at the back is unlit and I swapped all cables in order to check that it si the XO.

Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-05-30 11:13
Oh dear. Sorry to hear that it hasn't been a simple solution :((

I take it you have toggled the XLR/RCA selector button a few times??

If you are using XLR input, perhaps you could try the RCA input just to rule out the XLR socket (and vice versa).

If you have confirmed that it is not source, preamp or connections that are at fault, it would seem that a return to the dealer will be required.


Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-05-30 14:36
by matss
I have a faint memory of a similar issue with my old 2250 some years ago. As I recall it had to do with the balance/unbalanced switch. I believe that was exchanged by the local store and worked fine after that.

Maybe you can get the XO to work better by just exersizing that switch a while.


Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-06-07 14:06
Have you got the problem sorted yet, or has it required a return to the dealer / Linn ??

Re: My klimax xo just died!

Posted: 2015-07-10 23:07
by lupus
Thank you for your involvement. My XO was sent to Linn where they found out that some component died, probably due to some minor short circuit.

Now the XO is back and sounds grate!