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What about a Urika style Kinki/Slipsik ?

Posted: 2009-04-07 14:01
by mjuon
Hello Frederik,
what about a Kinki/Slipsik that directly sits on the Trampolin II with a short cable to the tonearm...Urika style?


Posted: 2009-04-07 21:47
by lejonklou
I've considered that for a long time, but never done it. One reason is the work required to install it - for most that requires a cooperative retailer.

I think it should really be called "Prefix style" - as Naim did this 14 years before Linn. There's also a Swedish Linn retailer that moved the Linto circuit (with the power supply still in the Linto enclosure) into an LP12. It worked really well.

So that Linn says they named their new MC stage 'Ureka' because they suddenly got this bright idea doesn't sound quite honest... More likely it just felt like a good name.