Debian 9 Stretch

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Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

I have discovered that Debian 9 stretch with latest MPD and Upmpdcli (and up-to-date libraries/dependencies) is more tuneful then Volumio, which is based on Debian 8 Jessie.

This thread is dedicated for tips & tricks, guiding, installing and tweaking Debian 9 Stretch, MPD and Upmpdcli.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

Debian 9 Stretch

First step is to get the right debian install version; i recommend the netinstall version ... etinst.iso
If you want a different version (full cd/dvd) check out the options here: ... installer/

The HAKAI is build on Celeron N3050 or N3150 = 64bit capable, so AMD64 is the debian version to go with.
(to be sure google your processor type and find out if its 64 bit capable)

Create a bootable USB thumbdrive with win32DiskImager or something similar.

Connect your USB DAC to the PC and then to the Internet. Boot your system using the installation medium that you prepared and then proceed as follows
◾At the Installation Screen "Advanced Options" select "Expert Install" (with or without Visuals)
◾In "Choose Language" select the language of your choice and the "base locale settings"
◾Select the keyboard layout
◾Even if you are installing from a USB thumb drive, select "Detect and mount CD-ROM"
◾Select option "Load Installer components from CD" - leave all empty. Go to the next step with "Continue"
◾"Access software for a blind person using a braille display" - can be skipped
◾Next, your network is detected and the automatic installation of the network "Detecting network hardware" / "Configure the network" follows - with DHCP based networks you can select "Auto-configure networking"
◾The hostname - in this example - "debianmusic" is set, the domain name can usually be left empty
◾"Set up users and passwords" lets you install the users (recommended: "shadow passwords"). Do not allow "Always login as root"
◾After the "root" is set up a "Normal User Account" is created. In this example we use the user "usbaudio"
◾At the prompt "Set the clock using NTP" answer with "no", you should then select your "time zone" manually
◾"Detect Disks" will detect the hard disk and "Partition disks" initiates the partitioning of the hard disk. It's easiest if you use the prompted partitioning procedure and then to specify to use the whole hard disk.
◾When it comes to "Partition disks" select "ext4" instead of "ext2"
◾"Install the base system" - the basic system will now be installed
◾For the Kernel with 64-bit systems, choose the preselected "linux-image-amd64"-Kernel
◾For the selection of drivers, you need only choose the drivers needed for the system ("only include drivers needed for this system")
◾If asked for "Non-Free and/or Contrib"-Software choose "no", for "APT" choose "yes"
◾"Configure the package manager" is used to set a download mirror for additional software packages, it's best to look for a server locally in your own country. The "Security" and "Release Updates" can be deactivated in the following step
◾Next is software selection and installation ("Select and install software")
◾"man" and "mandb" program can be omitted
◾The software selection should be kept to "Standard System Utilities" or if you want remote acces (recommended)select SSH server too.
◾The GRUB bootloader is installed in the Master Boot Sector (MBR) ("Install the GRUB bootloader to a hard disk", maybe you have to choose the particular harddisk here). If asked for "EFI" select "No" (except you do have an EFI based system) and then acknowledge with" Finish the installation" and boot the installed Debian system. If GRUB is not working you can try the LILO Bootmanager

So, now you have Debian installed on your ssd in HAKAI and can boot up without USB thumbdrive.
Be aware, this is a minimum install; a lot of useful packages are not installed (ssh server, sudo, dirmngr, etc.etc.)

Time to get some more useful things:
I choose to do everything from root-acces, but this is risky. You might want to be on the save side and get "sudo", so you can get rootprivileges with the sudo-command.
Login as root:

Code: Select all

Get sudo

Code: Select all

apt-get install sudo
Add user to sudoer list:

Code: Select all

adduser <username>
Use the usermod command to add the user to the sudo group

Code: Select all

usermod -aG sudo <username>
Install alsa-utils and alsa-tools

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install alsa-utils alsa-tools
Now it's time to install MPD 0.21.3
There are 2 possible ways to install MPD
1. Building from source
2. Using package from the experimental Debian repository

1. Building from source:
Follow these instructions (compiling from source)

You will need to install alot of dependencies libraries aswell as buildsoftware.
•a C++14 compiler (e.g. gcc 6.0 or clang 3.9) - Present in Debian 9 Stretch
•Meson 0.47.2 and Ninja - Will explain how to get Meson
•Boost 1.58 - Will explain how to get Boost
•pkg-config - Present in Debian 9 Stretch


Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip ninja-build

Code: Select all

sudo pip3 install meson
Boost 1.58 or latest

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
lib-dependencies for MPD

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install   libpcre3-dev \
  libmad0-dev libmpg123-dev libid3tag0-dev \
  libflac-dev libvorbis-dev libopus-dev \
  libadplug-dev libaudiofile-dev libsndfile1-dev libfaad-dev \
  libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev libmikmod2-dev libmodplug-dev \
  libmpcdec-dev libwavpack-dev libwildmidi-dev \
  libsidplay2-dev libsidutils-dev libresid-builder-dev \
  libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev \
  libmp3lame-dev libtwolame-dev libshine-dev \
  libsamplerate0-dev libsoxr-dev \
  libbz2-dev libcdio-paranoia-dev libiso9660-dev libmms-dev \
  libzzip-dev \
  libcurl4-gnutls-dev libyajl-dev libexpat-dev \
  libasound2-dev libao-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libopenal-dev \
  libpulse-dev libshout3-dev \
  libsndio-dev \
  libmpdclient-dev \
  libnfs-dev libsmbclient-dev \
  libupnp-dev \
  libavahi-client-dev \
  libsqlite3-dev \
  libsystemd-dev libwrap0-dev \
  libgtest-dev \
  libboost-dev \
Once you have installed MPD, you need a proper mpd.conf file.
Make that file:

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
And copy these lines in it:
Or start from scratch with all options listed and de-activated: ... nf.example
To activate a line, remove #
To de-activate a line, add #

Code: Select all

# Files and directories #######################################################
music_directory         "/home/usbaudio/share/music"
playlist_directory      "/home/usbaudio/share/playlist"
db_file                 "/var/lib/mpd/tag_cache"
log_file                "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
pid_file                "/var/run/mpd/pid"
state_file              "/var/lib/mpd/state"
sticker_file            "/var/lib/mpd/sticker.sql"
# General music daemon options ################################################
user                            "mpd"
group                          	"audio"
# For network
#bind_to_address                "localhost"
port                            "6600"
auto_update     				"yes"
# Symbolic link behavior ######################################################
follow_outside_symlinks        "yes"
follow_inside_symlinks        "yes"
# Zeroconf / Avahi Service Discovery ##########################################
#zeroconf_enabled               "yes"
#zeroconf_name                  "debianmusic"
# Input #######################################################################
#input {
#       plugin "curl"
#       proxy ""
#       proxy_user "user"
#       proxy_password "password"
# Audio Output ################################################################
audio_output {
		type            "alsa"
		name            "My Alsa Device"
		device          "hw:0,0"       
# Volume control mixer ########################################################
#mixer_type                     "hardware"
#mixer_type                     "software"
mixer_type                     	"disabled"
# Character Encoding ##########################################################
filesystem_charset              "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding                  "UTF-8"
This line is important to edit:
audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "My Alsa Device"
device "hw:0,0"

Find out which number your dac is given:

Code: Select all

aplay -l
And edit "hw:0,0" to "hw:<your dac number>,0"

You have to add mpd to usergroup:

Code: Select all

sudo adduser mpd audio 
You need to modify the mpd.service file to get mpd working:

Code: Select all

sudo nano /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/mpd.service
Make sure this line is exactly like this:

Code: Select all

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mpd --no-daemon /etc/mpd.conf
When done, reload the deamon, restart mpd

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart mpd
Activate auto-start mpd service

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl enable mpd
Check status mpd

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl -l status mpd
If you get errors not running, PM or google for solutions.
If it can't find /var/log/mpd/mpd.log, create it:

Code: Select all

sudo mkdir /var/log/mpd
sudo nano /var/log/mpd/mpd.log
ctrl + o to write out and ctrl +x to exit this file; now it's created and mpd can make it's log in it.

2. Installing using apt-get from experimental debian repository:
Add this source to your /etc/apt/sources.list.

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add these lines:

Code: Select all

deb experimental main
Save and exit (ctrl + O, enter, ctrl + X)

Update sources list:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
Install mpd:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get -t experimental install mpd
You'll likely get some warning about missing dependencies which cannot be downloaded.
Since the MPD is from experimental repository, the dependencies are too
So get them by using the same command:

Code: Select all

apt-get -t experimental install <packagename>
When all dependencies are installed, installing MPD will work.

Once MPD is installed follow the rest of the instructions for mpd.conf
The path is already correct, since MPD is installed using apt-get.

Next up is upmpdcli
First, add the keys used for upmpdcli (you need dirmngr)

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install dirmngr

Code: Select all

gpg --keyserver --recv-key F8E3347256922A8AE767605B7808CE96D38B9201

Code: Select all

gpg --export '7808CE96D38B9201' | sudo apt-key add -
Add upmpdcli to your sources list:

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/upmpdcli.list
Paste the following in this file:

Code: Select all

deb stretch main
deb-src stretch main
Be aware, 'lesbonscomptes' redirects to https:// so you may see this when you first try to install upmpdcli:

Code: Select all

E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found.
If so, you'll need to enable secure http installs in apt:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
Once you've added this you should be able to 'sudo apt-get install upmpdcli' without issue...

To install upmpdcli (and if you want Qobuz/Tidal/Gmusic)

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install upmpdcli
# Optional streaming services
sudo apt-get install upmpdcli-qobuz
sudo apt-get install upmpdcli-gmusic
sudo apt-get install upmpdcli-tidal
# Optional Songcast gateway
sudo apt-get install sc2mpd
# Optional Songcast Receiver control web interface
sudo apt-get install scweb
Upmpdcli don't need much tweaking in the configuration file.
Just modify to taste /etc/upmpdcli.conf
(to add radio stations, to set HR qobuz, etc)
Edit: It seems radio Paradise flac is working again in Upmpdcli 1.3.8 :)

Internal volume
By default the internal volume is not set to max (0db)
To adjust it:

Code: Select all

F6 to select the HD+ dac
Adjust volume for front speakers to max with arrow key up.
Mute the other channels, since they are not used anyways, by selecting them and pressing "m" key.

You should have a working system now after reboot.
Pick a control point (linn Kazoo, Bubble UpNp, Lumin, etc) and enjoy.

Testing for bit-accurate reproduction via USB

You can get the correct bit-accurate reproduction directly using the terminal when playing a song:
Note, that you should replace "card0" with your own hardware using sudo aplay --list-devices.

Code: Select all

sudo cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params 
This should look like the following with a 16 bit / 44 kHz file (ESI Gigaport HD+ dac)
format: S16_LE
subformat: STD
channels: 8
rate: 44100 (44100/1)
period_size: 5513
buffer_size: 22050

Next up is tweaking and tips/tricks for convenience
Last edited by Sopper on 2019-01-07 19:05, edited 17 times in total.
KÄLLA > Sagatun Mono 1.7 > Tundra Mono 3.0 > Graham LS8/1F
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

Warning!! Be Aware
The ESI Gigaport HD+ dac works in isochronous and adaptive mode.
This means that even the smallest tweak/change can impact the musical performance of your system, unlike asynchronous dacs, where input matters less since everything is reclocked, resampled, etc.
So evaluate the impact of your tweak before continuing to the next tweak

Real Time Kernel
You might want to try a realtime kernel; this is used in audio recording for it's low latency. (google to learn about it)
It didnt work for me (yet), HR-music gave crackling sound, so i need to figure out what's going on.
To install a realtime kernel follow these steps:

Check your kernel version:

Code: Select all

uname -r
Check which kernels are available:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get search Linux-kernel
Install a matching realtime kernel (same name as your installed kernel, but with "rt" in the title)

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install Linux-kernel-<versions>
Reboot and your new kernel will be active.
(new kernels are installed next to the old kernel, so you can revert back quite easily by changing boot-order in grub)

Newer Kernel (backport repository)
Follow these instructions to install a newer kernel from the testing (backport) repositories (these are usually candidates for new Debian version) ... tch-stable
I am running 4.18.0 stable sofar

Upbrade your system
It's always good to check official updates/upgrades of your debian software.

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Setting priority to audio
First of all, create a new usergroup "audio" in your debian:

Code: Select all

sudo adduser audio
Now set priority for this user in /etc/security/limits.conf by adding these lines:

Code: Select all

@audio - rtprio 99
@audio - memlock unlimited
@audio - nice -10
Play with audio buffer in MPD

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/mpd.conf
Add audio_buffer_size to your mpd.conf.
This defaults to 4096 (4MB) in mpd when not set or not included.
I can run with 256 kb buffer after tweaking and it sounds marvelous!

Code: Select all

audio_buffer_size	"256"
Auto login at (re)boot
If you run Debian headless, (re)booting might be troublesome, since you need to login with username and password.

You can auto login by following these instructions:
Edit your /etc/systemd/logind.conf , change #NAutoVTs=6 to NAutoVTs=1

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/systemd/logind.conf
Install mingetty:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install mingetty
Create a /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/override.conf

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl edit getty@tty1
Paste the following lines:

Code: Select all

ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear %I 38400 linux
Enable the [email protected] then reboot

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
Lots of tips and tweaks to try out:

Very useful forum with loads of information: ... 4dc6cc443f
Last edited by Sopper on 2018-12-17 19:58, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by tokenbrit »

I will be interested to read your tips & tweaks, and compare notes, having just gone through a Stretch install on my NAS...
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by flojo »

Thanks again, Sopper. All done. Started on some additional tweaks from on CPU frequency scaling I ran echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor as the instructions under Debian don't seem to work without installing an extra package.
Last edited by flojo on 2018-12-18 09:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by David Neel »


Many thanks for all this instruction. I will be following your implementation instructions in quiet moments over the holidays.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

flojo wrote: 2018-12-17 21:18 Thanks again, Sopper. All done. Started on some additional tweaks from on CPU frequency scaling I configured echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor as the instructions under Debian forced me to install another package
Not sure what you are trying to say here Flojo…
You can check the state with this command:

Code: Select all

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by tokenbrit »

MPD 0.21.3 appears to be available under Debian experimental - is that an alternative to installing all the dependencies and compiling MPD?
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-17 23:37 MPD 0.21.3 appears to be available under Debian experimental - is that an alternative to installing all the dependencies and compiling MPD?
Yes, it sure is.
I didn’t know that, thanks for noting!!

It will still install all needed libraries and the result should be the same (except from some paths).
But it sure is a lot faster to install via apt-get.
KÄLLA > Sagatun Mono 1.7 > Tundra Mono 3.0 > Graham LS8/1F
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by flojo »

Sopper wrote: 2018-12-17 22:21 Not sure what you are trying to say here Flojo…
You can check the state with this command:

Code: Select all

cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Hi Sopper, I tried to say if you run the echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor command, that's a onetimer. If you want to make the performance setting lasting, you need installing the package cpufrequtils. I should have taken some time to write my post. Sorry for the confusion.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

flojo wrote: 2018-12-18 09:36 Hi Sopper, I tried to say if you run the echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor command, that's a onetimer. If you want to make the performance setting lasting, you need installing the package cpufrequtils. I should have taken some time to write my post. Sorry for the confusion.
Ah, ok, i understand now.
Yes, it is indeed one time active; to make it permanent you have to follow the Debian instructions:

On Debian you can control the scaling governor with the cpufreq-set utility which is part of the cpufrequtils package:

Code: Select all

sudo cpufreq-set -r -g performance
On installation the package also installs an init script in /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils and a configuration file in /etc/default/cpufrequtils. To have the governor always set to performance make sure the configuration file looks as follows:

Code: Select all

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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by tokenbrit »

Invaluable info & directions - thanks so much Sopper, and others who (have) contribute(d)

Quite a few quick questions:
fstab updates - thoughts on relatime vs noatime? Enable trim with discard?
Scaling governor - is this needed musically or just preferred? Instead of or as well as real-time kernel?
Kernel version - are there any musical advantages to using 4.18 over 4.9 or is it just latest (greatest?)?
microcode - is it advisable to update the kernel with the latest microcode for the cpu?
EFI - any reason for selecting 'No' on a system with EFI?
I/O scheduler - any preference for 'deadline' over noop (or cfq)? Again, as well as or instead of real-time?
headless - any thoughts on SSH only (for performance?) vs desktop environment (for convenience?)?

Thanks again, and happy holidays.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 fstab updates - thoughts on relatime vs noatime? Enable trim with discard?
If you don't acces music files on your ssd in the HAKAI, and, just like me, use the HAKAI just as music player who gets the music from a NAS or streaming service, i don't think it matters. But can't hurt to try… i would go for noatime first, makes the most sense to me.
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 Scaling governor - is this needed musically or just preferred? Instead of or as well as real-time kernel?
I have it set on performance and couldnt detect differences. But it calms my mind thinking the processor works at maximum capacity when needed. The real-time kernel should provide the lowest possible latency of all kernels; very useful for recording... in playback i think it's somewhat overrated. I couldnt get it to work, so cannot give feedback on performance.
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 Kernel version - are there any musical advantages to using 4.18 over 4.9 or is it just latest (greatest?)?
I don't know, but i like to have the latest/newest (there is a reason why they make newer kernels/software).
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 microcode - is it advisable to update the kernel with the latest microcode for the cpu?
No idea, where did you get this information from? I like to read that bit too.
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 EFI - any reason for selecting 'No' on a system with EFI?
No there is no reason. I got it from a guide and it stated that Grub bootloader could have problems with EFI. I did not detect any problems with Grub, EFI or not…
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 I/O scheduler - any preference for 'deadline' over noop (or cfq)? Again, as well as or instead of real-time?
I don't think it matters much; we are just running a small setup for music, so i dont think it will have any impact, but who knows…
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 headless - any thoughts on SSH only (for performance?) vs desktop environment (for convenience?)?
Running graphical desktop environment takes alot more recources and we don't want that. I am not sure if it impacts muscial performance. SSH is the way to go anyways; it allows to modify about anything you want (with root-acces). The graphical desktop provides just basic options. Laptop + couch + SSH; much more convenient.
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 Thanks again, and happy holidays.
No problem, it's fun to do.

I haven't tested all the tweaks, so can't state they are helping to get better music out of the HAKAI.
Most of the tweaks are from recording studio environments, running heavy recording software. But i do believe that they can have an impact on playback aswell.
My HAKAI has never sounded better and runs flawlessly; so win-win for me/us :)

Good luck tweaking and report back with your findings!
KÄLLA > Sagatun Mono 1.7 > Tundra Mono 3.0 > Graham LS8/1F
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by tokenbrit »

Sopper wrote: 2018-12-18 17:36
tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 17:04 microcode - is it advisable to update the kernel with the latest microcode for the cpu?
No idea, where did you get this information from? I like to read that bit too.
I don't recall where I found the suggestion to update the microcode - maybe it was just a sense of latest-greatest...
Good idea?
Or not? ... h_licence/
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

tokenbrit wrote: 2018-12-18 18:00 I don't recall where I found the suggestion to update the microcode - maybe it was just a sense of latest-greatest...
Good idea?
Or not? ... h_licence/
I think it's a good idea to update the microcode in general.
I am not sure whether i would go the Debian-way...

I checked my motherboard @ and noticed there was a new bios update in January 2018 to update the Microcode ::)) So i will update the BIOS with the official BIOS firmware from Gigabyte.
I suggest everybody to check their motherboard aswell @ Gigabyte

Good find, thanks!

EDIT: Intel offers a newer microcode update AND for Linux platform. Seems like a better option then Gigabyte’s.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by flojo »

Volume out of my Debian box turned out to be lower than my DS. Volume level of my HD+ was only at 41 (out of 100). You can control the Volume of your HD+ (and all other DACs) using

Code: Select all

You get a nice mixer. Using F6 you can select your DAC and adjust the output/volume of your DAC and level it to other devices
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

flojo wrote: 2018-12-18 22:11 Volume out of my Debian box turned out to be lower than my DS. Volume level of my HD+ was only at 41 (out of 100). You can control the Volume of your HD+ (and all other DACs) using

Code: Select all

You get a nice mixer. Using F6 you can select your DAC and adjust the output/volume of your DAC and level it to other devices
True and good to mention! I will add it to the install instruction
You can also mute the 6 other channels if not used by selecting channel and press "m"
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by FairPlayMotty »


As you're no doubt aware there are literally dozens of linux audio players. In fact there are at least 175 players based upon MPD (hence the name of Client175). Here is a list: ... form=linux

Clementine appears to be the popular pic of Linux review sites.

Question: What alternatives to Volumio did you audition before going for Debian Stretch and MPD?

My Hakai players both sound terrific with Volumio controlled by HiFi Cast. I'm reluctant to change from Volumio to another player unless there's evidence of a significant improvement. I'm enjoying the music too much to divert time to another distro without evidence. The topic you've raised is interesting though. A very merry Christmas to all and a happy New Year!
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by fatjulio »

Sopper, in your testing of various software elements, do you think it's worthwhile testing mpd 0.20.23 vs 0.21.3 in Stretch? Just to confirm the later version is better.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

FairPlayMotty wrote: 2018-12-19 03:11 Sopper,

As you're no doubt aware there are literally dozens of linux audio players. In fact there are at least 175 players based upon MPD (hence the name of Client175). Here is a list: ... form=linux

Clementine appears to be the popular pic of Linux review sites.

Question: What alternatives to Volumio did you audition before going for Debian Stretch and MPD?
I tried Daphile before Volumio. That's all.
With all the problems with/in Volumio, i figured we don't need a compilation or pre-build system; we can build our own.
FairPlayMotty wrote: 2018-12-19 03:11 My Hakai players both sound terrific with Volumio controlled by HiFi Cast. I'm reluctant to change from Volumio to another player unless there's evidence of a significant improvement. I'm enjoying the music too much to divert time to another distro without evidence. The topic you've raised is interesting though. A very merry Christmas to all and a happy New Year!
If you are happy with the way it sounds now, by all means, stick to it.

I was in the camp with a lot of troubles with Volumio, crashing, certain files not playing, no Qobuz integration, etc. etc. (which seems ipad Kazoo related?)
Upon compiling my own and latest versions of Debian, MPD, Upmpdcli and all (dependent) libraries, all the problems were gone and it all started to work like i wanted to.

And... i got a win-win situation after discovering that it is playing my music more tuneful then Volumio ever did.
fatjulio wrote: 2018-12-19 07:58 Sopper, in your testing of various software elements, do you think it's worthwhile testing mpd 0.20.23 vs 0.21.3 in Stretch? Just to confirm the later version is better.
Haven't tested the difference between 0.20.23 and 0.21.3 but might try that someday.
I will use a 2nd ssd for testing purposes, the one i'm using now stays the way it is now, it sounds gorgeous.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by FairPlayMotty »

I tried Daphile before Volumio. That's all.
With all the problems with/in Volumio, i figured we don't need a compilation or pre-build system; we can build our own.
I've worked in IT for many years (incl. one year in Amsterdam). What you're doing is innovative and interesting but is the final player still a Hakai? Good luck with it but for Android users Volumio doesn't seem to be a problem at all - I forget it's even in there. My only issue with my Hakai set up is only having two when one in the kitchen would be great!

You're effectively changing the firmware of the original Hakai based on next to no research into the mass of alternatives that are out there - that approach to development is fraught with risk. If it works for you in what sounds like an Apple set up that's great but the majority of people use Android and Linn Kazoo, HiFi Cast and other control apps seem to overcome any issues with Volumio.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

FairPlayMotty wrote: 2018-12-19 17:14 What you're doing is innovative and interesting but is the final player still a Hakai?
Why wouldn't it be a HAKAI? Maybe you should re-read the HAKAI opening post written by Fredrik and determine what makes a HAKAI a HAKAI... or maybe the name doesn't matter and all that does matter is the music it produces.
FairPlayMotty wrote: 2018-12-19 17:14 Good luck with it but for Android users Volumio doesn't seem to be a problem at all - I forget it's even in there.
I'm not sure why or if it is Apple related; it didn't work with Kazoo on laptop or web-ui either. I do know that later MPD and Upmpdcli versions have fixed a lot of bugs; so it did also fix my/our issues.
FairPlayMotty wrote: 2018-12-19 17:14 You're effectively changing the firmware of the original Hakai based on next to no research into the mass of alternatives that are out there - that approach to development is fraught with risk.
No clue what you are trying to say here... what risks?
Linux is open source and so are all the audio-software-builds with Linux as core.

In general i have no idea what point you are trying to make.

Hakai is the result of years of trial and error in trying to find the right hardware, which, combined with the right software makes a very good streamer. Fredrik shared this with us and encouraged us to find out if different hard- and software can make HAKAI even better. We evaluate our changes with the tunedem method; if it sounds more tuneful, it is better.
That's exactly what i, and some others, are doing; finding tweaks, hardware, software, combinations that make the HAKAI even better.
Who cares if it's still "viable" to be called "HAKAI" with changing the software?

Stick to your working and beautiful sounding HAKAI. Nobody tells or wants you to change anything. Just enjoy.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by FairPlayMotty »

Any software build carries risks - that's part of any computing challenge. For example, has your approach been tested on Android? If not you may want to preface your summary approach accordingly. Otherwise you may encourage some Hakai builders to follow an approach that hasn't been properly tested - it's neither personal or rocket science Sopper. For Android users your suggested approach looks to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
No clue what you are trying to say here... what risks?
I do consultancy work for global banks and asset managers recommending systems. Not one would pay me for a recommendation that didn't compare an adequate number of systems. There are numerous Linux based audio systems out there. You seem to have looked at one before Volumio and then decided on a build. Even for an experienced code professional that's a very risky approach.
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by Sopper »

Are we still talking about an audio-hobby or state of the art official software programming?
I’m just trying to help people who struggle with Volumio and give them a guide to Debian.
MPD and Upmpdcli are solid daemons used for audio, that’s why they are used in so many builds... what the heck do you think can go wrong?

End discussion as far as I’m concerned.
Go listen to the clips I recorded... Debian-build outplayed Volumio with ease
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Re: Debian 9 Stretch

Post by FairPlayMotty »

Whether you approach an IT problem as a hobby or as a professional the same principles apply. I applaud your innovation to solve what appears to be an Apple-based problem. We got to a Hakai because Fredrik and others tested very many component parts. You may have got lucky with Debian Stretch and MPD. I sincerely hope you did, if so it will benefit many people.

You chose to go with a build. Even open source packaged solutions come with advantages such as a support function, typically done by volunteers. I have no idea why you chose to interpret my comments as anything other than observations.
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