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Posted: 2014-05-26 12:55
by clasch66
Thanks, but unfortunately my Tundra was only provided with an uk one (s/h) and I had to use a spare one from my stock. Maybe you could give me a hint by the pins on the back of the tundra itself?

Posted: 2014-05-26 13:18
by lejonklou

If you look at the mains inlet of Tundra, mains Phase (230V) should go to the pin closest to the edge of the case. Neutral (0V) should go to the pin closest to the speaker outputs and RCA connectors.

Posted: 2014-05-26 17:56
by clasch66
Thanks! It was 50:50 and it was correct, fine!

Cheers claus

Posted: 2014-07-07 23:55
by rowlandhills
I now have a used Tundra on the way to me. Really looking forward to getting it home and having a good long listen. Should be a lot better than the two channels of 3200 which I'm currently using.

Will be interesting to see how it compares with the Monos which I tried earlier in the year. I did like those, but didn't feel they worked quite as well in my system as I'd hoped, and the price proposition didn't quite stack up, so I decided to hold out for a KCT. This particular Tundra stereo seems a real bargain though, and I've only had three channels of amplification in my 5.1 channel system for the last nine months, so it's definitely time to sort that out!

Posted: 2014-07-08 09:48
The Tundra Monos just showed up your RenewDS for what it was prior to your trip and tweak here last Friday. Hope you like the "new" Tundra ;)